Thursday, October 28, 2010

running for my life!

I wish I had words (and photos for that matter) to tell you about the incredible RACE I did last weekend.
However, I did not document one bit of it, I was just worried about running, and decorating vans (and making it to the bathroom on time). However, a few other people did get some great footage. And they did such a fabulous job of documenting it, I'll just link you to their site. HERE.

It's insane, it's amazing, it's fun, it's hard, it's exciting and frustrating all wrapped up into one. Did I mention Addicting? We are all looking for the next one to run

And, my talented husband put this hopes of winning a free team entry for next time. I say he has a good chance.
watch and enjoy:

Ragnar Relay : Las Vegas from Ryan Southwell on Vimeo.

Monday, October 11, 2010

No Regrets...

I love cheesecake.
My favorite is the classic, New York Style cheesecake.
I love the crust. I love the sweet, tangy center.
Occasionally I love it with fresh fruit piled on top or on the side.

So, I finally made my own, fresh cheesecake from scratch. PASSIONFRUIT cheesecake. Made with the juice of the passionfruit that was delivered in my organic produce box last week.


And, because of last week-end's events and success, I felt I deserved a little treat this week.
And so, I have eaten a healthy-sized piece of homemade passionfruit cheesecake every day this week! (maybe even 2).

And don't regret it one bit!

Jaydon being goofy and helping to make the crust
I've never seen a passionfruit before. The inside took some getting used to.

Juice from 7 passionfruit!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just what I needed

I don't listen to the news very often. But tonight, as I was in my quiet house, with all the kiddos down for bed, I turned on the news while I cleaned up the kitchen.

(a roller coaster accident at Knott's)

All these terrible things kept coming up and were briefly talked about and then the newscasters moved right along to the next horrible headline. It was so discouraging and reminded me of why I don't listen to the news very often.
Just as I was feeling down and discouraged about raising 5 little blessings in this crazy world, I remembered a small portion of President Monson's talk from General Conference on Sunday afternoon:

"We live in a troubled world, a world of many challenges.
We are here on this earth to deal with our individual challenges to the best of our ability, to learn from them, and to overcome them. Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants nothing more than for us to succeed in this goal. He will help us and bless us as we call upon Him in our prayers, as we study His words, and as we obey His commandments. Therein is found safety; therein is found peace".

Monday, October 4, 2010

marathon stats...

And photos I got from the company who was there taking pictures...they are not purchased, so they are really small. oh well.

Dying! why is the finish line SO far away?

Leilani, my trusty training friend!

Feeling good and having fun (before mile 18).

Official Stats:

Category: Age: Sex: Chip time: Overall: Women
WOMENS 30-34 32 F 3:58:33 2063/5697 614/ 2457

Caught it!

I can officially say I have run a marathon! 26.2 miles are under my belt ( or should I say shoes).
The St. George, Utah marathon was on Saturday, Oct. 2nd and me and my whole gang trekked out there for the event.

It was Glorious and Terrible all wrapped up together!

Glorious to be there with 7,000 other runners. Glorious to be there with my 5 kids and husband! Glorious to be there with my friend that I trained 5 months with! And Glorious to say I've finished! It was Terrible to be soooo tired at mile 18 and Terrible to have NO more mental motivation at mile 25 ( I wanted to walk right off the course with 1.6 to go...who does that?!). It was Terrible to be so incredibly THIRSTY!
After all is said and done, and after learning many new things about myself through this event...I realize I have CAUGHT THE DISEASE! I hope to actually do another marathon again someday! Crazy, I know.

Pics and official stats to come soon!