Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Still Here

We are still around! I don't mean to leave blogging as the last item on the list, and I want it to be's just hard to find the time to escape to the computer these days.

We just had a fun-filled week with G'ma and G'pa Jibson!! The park, the games, the stories, the shopping, the organization projects, the tickle wars, and all the other fun stuff kept us busy all week. We are so glad they could come and spend a few days in the busy-ness of our family life.


we will blog again soon, with some pictures included...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Goose!

My daughter is now 10 yrs old. I can't believe it. She's also the craftiest and most talented little girl in the world. She's the best big sister (except when she shouts she hates her brothers) and decided all on her own that this year she wanted a green and purple theme with a carrot cake. This girl has got it all figured out.