My daughter is now 10 yrs old. I can't believe it. She's also the craftiest and most talented little girl in the world. She's the best big sister (except when she shouts she hates her brothers) and decided all on her own that this year she wanted a green and purple theme with a carrot cake. This girl has got it all figured out.

She's all grown up at 10...We Love Emily~ she is a joy in primary!!!
Happy Birthday Emily! I bet you are a great big sister. I hope Sienna grows up just like you.
Happy Birthday Emily!
beautiful photos... love the first one.
happy bday emily.
YEAHHHH--It's OUR Birthaday Girl!!! We love you Emmers. Happy Big 10!!!!! G'ma & G'pa "J" xoxxo
Happy Birthday Emily - love all your Roseville Cousins!
we love emily! Happy Birthday to our favorite neighborhood friend.
Happy Birthday Emily. You are beautiful! HOpe you had a great day!
gorgeous girl you have there. ten years has just flown by. wow.
Happy Birthday Emily! It was so fun to spend time with you in CA and the girls loved wishing you a happy birthday over the phone. Hope you have a fabulous year!
She's one of my favorite primary kids. She's not allowed to graduate primary...ever!!
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