Can you believe this big, little guy is three months old already? Oh time, please slow down!
He loves to be around his brothers and sister...constant entertainment.
He is a sleeping champ, and an eating champ.
He weighs over 12 lbs.
He's so happy to be in his Bumbo or the swing.
...Or resting his double chin on my left shoulder. He loves my shoulder....he can see the whole world in a different view.
He's a delight to our family.
what a treat it was to come to your blog today... love the updates. your party looked awesome. and will is getting so big. it is so unfair how fast they grow up.
and thanks for sharing about life... i am also trying to work in more scripture study in the morning and not at night when i am wanting to be sleeping instead. tomorrow i will retry that goal. thanks for the reminder.
were you this cute?? I LOVE that!!
He is so so so cute! I cannot believe how big he is getting!
Awww, both our chubs have purple Bumbos, how cute! ;) Mine, is not quite as happy as yours is in his, though.
And the party? I was counting on being able to take Evie to your house for some Halloween night fun, the "wee one" had other ideas for us that day. :(
I hope you ARE doing it again next year, we WILL be partaking then. :)
what a little cutie! he looks so grown up in his bumbo!
I could easily take a bite out of him! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!
What a cutie! I love it when babies are chubby! It sounds like you are thriving with your crazy life. :)
Seriously, where have I been? I haven't checked in on you in a whole week!!!! Guess I haven't been reading my scriptures? Your Halloween party looks awesome. I love your costume and big lips. I love you!
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