I was HUGELY disappointed! Did the writers lose their creative minds while they were busy negotiating their pay? It was completely trashy, and un-funny (my new word) in my very strong opinion. I just hated being so let down. Nothing was funny, and then they even had to stoop as low as to bleep through the mother-of-all- naughty-words! Past episodes have always gone to the edge of the social comfort zone, but last night's went way over! It left me feeling empty, annoyed, and angry. Is that REALLY what is in demand to watch in our society? I hope the future episodes can redeem themselves!
oh trust me, we saw the BBC one, and I shut it off! You're right about one thing, it is all crap! and what's worse, that's what everyone WANTS to watch, apparently.
I've gotta agree with you Kell, I wasn't impressed. We were so excited to watch it too but it wasn't one of my favorites, but I did like the part when Dwight showed up for dinner!
anonymous keeps showing up on my blog with something witty to say. i'm done with anonymous.
didn't see the show, but I am sad to hear it crossed the line. seems like tv just keeps getting trashier and trashier.
I guess i will start watching star trek.
Dang! We haven't watched the episode from last night yet but it's on our Tivo. I'm so bummed that it was no good!
I was pretty shocked and a little put off by the first episode of Season 3, too, but then it seemed to get better. Hopefully that's what will happen now!
I agree with you 100% Bryant and I felt the same way and wondered what the heck happened. It was such a bummer.
It was way over the top!
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