My children are growing up TOO fast and I haven't PLAYED enough with them!! Too soon, little things won't make them giggle and they'll want to be with their friends more than family. Too soon they won't find joy in simple art projects, and they won't think their mom is the smartest, funniest, most beautiful woman in the world. And too soon, they'll grow out of the magic of story-time and bed time kisses. So, I've got to remedy this by being with them and enjoying as much as I can right now.
It's such a good excuse to climb, run, skip, color, create and dance!
kelly--you have to be one of the best mom's I know. you gave a great reminder that time does go by too fast.
hey girl, heidi is right, you are a great mom! and you are great even with one hand tied behind your back!
oh isn't it a sad thing to think about...lily was just saying tonight before she went to bed that she doesn't want to grow up because she wants to stay with me forever.
i too need to slow down and enjoy this fun time with my kids.
kelly, kelly, kelly...i second heidi. you constantly amaze me with all you do and still manage to spend quality time with your kiddos.
Hi Kelly! I found your blog and wanted to say HI! I have been feeling the same way as you this past week. I guess most mom's worry about it going to fast. Your family is adorable and I'm sure you're an awesome mom! Come check out our blog and we can keep in touch. Love, Becky Bunting
ps. I second your opinion of "The Office" Here's to hoping it gets better!
Who can pass up time running, playing, and dancing. I wish I had the energy right now.
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon...You ARE amazing, Kelly! This post was a good reminder for me too. Have fun playing with your kids!
Hey Kelly, I need your email address again. Email me:
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