Sometimes I just have to vent to no one in particular when it comes to adult drama. I have dealt with so much ridiculous drama lately that right now all I can do is laugh ( to spare people from me lashing out at them). Do some women REALLY thrive on making other women's lives miserable? It's beyond me why people can't just leave bad-enough alone. When someone's down, don't keep kicking them. Really? I'll spare you the wretched details...
Ahhhhhhhh, I guess this calls for a big spoonful of peanut butter, covered in semi-sweet chocolate chips....and then an evening in front of the T.V. with my husband, watching the long-awaited LOST.
(Thanks for listening.)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Different Kind of Tribute...

How happy I am for President Hickley to be with his Sweetheart now. I smile when I think of the rejoicing happening in Heaven now! As much as I will miss his smile, wit, and optimistic views, I know he is where he's been longing to be. I'm so grateful for his faith and his knowledge. I'm so glad I've had the blessing to listen to him and follow him through many of my adult years.
"...We feel it an honor to serve Thee, and love to obey Thy command."
Friday, January 25, 2008
Tribute to the BIRTHDAY GIRL

My favorite Sheenanagins is celebrating today! I wish I was there to share in the fun! Here's to a woman who pretty much does it all...and has it all! Artistic ability, creativity, cute hair, great work-out physique, a fabulous husband, adorable kids, a business of her, the list goes on! Thanks for keeping us entertained on a daily basis with your hilarious stories, blogging contests and bits of every-day-life tales. You brighten our days!
You deserve the best celebration ever!!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
We Have a Right to Know! - by Ryan

Now I know most all of you wonderful readers are women. And before I ask what your thoughts on this sensitive matter, I invite you to keep an open mind. Like, all the way open, please. I might be setting myself up for a tar and feathering in the middle of the night.
The other day, Kelly walked into my office to confirm some scheduled dates. So I pulled up my calendar and when she saw that I had "PMS" on a date there, she gasped and B-lined it out my office door.
Yes, I have it as an auto-scheduled monthly item on my calendar.
I wonder if I still have any readers.
I can sympathize and understand why there would be shock value to this, but hear it out. First, being married is different than if we were just dating. I think that would be a whole different story. I think being eternally espoused earns us a right to know when it's time. But I think that the real issue is the fact that I have it on my calendar, so let's move on. Now, guys typically have a bad rap for procrastinating or forgetting things like anniversaries, birthdays, valentines day... things of that nature. So generally, if guys were on top of all these things, would a woman not feel like she's well looked after? This should include PMS. If you ask me, what woman WOULDN'T want their husband to be privately aware and reminded of when her cycle is? In my book of experience, there are two things that can cause strain for arguments in the home. Finances and seasonal emotions. If we are aware that it is that time and the season of the moon, how much better are we prepared to face the challenges? I'll know that the sudden demanding urgencies to help with kids, clean the house, make the bed, take out the trash... are not done or said to pick fights, rather, we'd know that it's more than just that. Being prepared, we can proactively help clean and do house duties, and most importantly, not react to any words that normally would lead to a bicker. Don't get me wrong, Kelly and I are great and her pillow-talk comedies get better every night. But if a man can head into the battle with armor, patience, awareness, and loving support... what woman could disagree?
Note to other facts:
The calendar was on my personal computer in my office that no one in the world has access to.
It only said "PMS" and not things like "Danger Zone" or "Beware of the Monster". So consider my consideration. I think my arguments/defenses could go on and on, but that would leave no room for discussion.
So tell me, am I wrong?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Every once in a while a guy needs to blog. It's been 4 years since I've been out camping in the snow. And when I went back into my old historical tapes I found that my last event had never been edited. In doing so the spark was reignited and I'm anxious for another trip. I'm planning on February if anyone would like to join.
Warning:: the soundtrack is quite phantasmagoric.
(if it stutters, hit pause and let the downloading catch up or get ahead for a minute)
Friday, January 11, 2008
A sad, sad day!
During their visit here to celebrate with Emily, they received a phone call relaying the devastating news of what was going on in their own back yard! What a shock! In the middle of the last big storm in their area, these gigantic oaks were split and fell, literally centimeters from my parents' home. (One tree did get the corner of the roof).
After 30 + years of having these "old friends" in the back yard to provide shade, climbing entertainment, hours of pretend play to myself as a youngster, and homes to plenty of squirrels and birds, they are gone. I can hardly believe it. I guess I get sentimental, a bit, because I remember playing out there for hours with my brothers and friends. I am reminded of "The Giving Tree". So many years of wonderful giving.
I felt bad for Mom and Dad, they probably felt trapped being here when they had this crisis lingering in the background. We're so happy they stayed for Emily's big day. I know it's been a major event to have the trees taken care of and cleaned up.
As silly as it feels to get sentimental over some trees, I can't help but feel a bit sad knowing that they are gone. Many, many good times and so much beauty were provided through the years. This Post talks about some of the good times. I know the yard will look lovely again soon, it will just take some adjusting to look out the window and not see these great giants.
(Thanks to Ryan and Kasey's Picassa for providing the awesome pictures!)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What we have been up to...
Wow! What a busy, busy time! We have been having so much fun and enjoying our Christmas vacation to the fullest!
After the Christmas wrappings and ribbon had been put away, we brought in 2008 with a small party!
A last-minute party. A"" party! Our friends, Dave and Angela, drove 90 minutes so we could eat delicious goodies, play some silly games and cheer in the new year with us! We are so glad they came. You can never get enough of "Mad Gab" and other games when you 're in good company! Evidently the night escaped us, as we stayed up until 4 a.m.!
I don't know the last time we've done that!!
A few days later, we celebrated Emily's 8th birthday! How is it that she is already 8 years old? I can't believe how quickly that flew by. We surprised the kids by taking them to the Wild Animal park for the day. We couldn't have asked for a better day! Not too hot and not rainy...the animals were quite happy and playful. Needless to say, my own little animals had a fabulous time! (thanks a MILLION Amy)! The "journey to Africa" tour was the best part...we were able to see so many animals roaming freely among beautiful terrain, with no fences dividing them. What a great sight! Even little Ezra couldn't keep his eyes off the Rhinos grazing in the grass. It would be a fun place to visit again. To top off the wonderful day, we were surprised to see my cousin, Ross, who lives 800 + miles from here! What a great treat! (sorry no pics).
Also, during this busy couple of weeks, we were able to enjoy the baptism of our daughter. We had family who drove a long way to celebrate this special day with Emily. Many family and friends came to show their support. Emily was so happy to see everyone, and to get the cards & phone messages from others who could not be there. Thank you to everyone for all your generosity!
We are now back into our regular "routine" (whatever that is, right?). We hope you all had a great Holiday break to celebrate Christmas and the start of this new year!!!
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