Wow! What a busy, busy time! We have been having so much fun and enjoying our Christmas vacation to the fullest!
After the Christmas wrappings and ribbon had been put away, we brought in 2008 with a small party!
A last-minute party. A"" party! Our friends, Dave and Angela, drove 90 minutes so we could eat delicious goodies, play some silly games and cheer in the new year with us! We are so glad they came. You can never get enough of "Mad Gab" and other games when you 're in good company! Evidently the night escaped us, as we stayed up until 4 a.m.!
I don't know the last time we've done that!!
A few days later, we celebrated Emily's 8th birthday! How is it that she is already 8 years old? I can't believe how quickly that flew by. We surprised the kids by taking them to the Wild Animal park for the day. We couldn't have asked for a better day! Not too hot and not rainy...the animals were quite happy and playful. Needless to say, my own little animals had a fabulous time! (thanks a MILLION Amy)! The "journey to Africa" tour was the best part...we were able to see so many animals roaming freely among beautiful terrain, with no fences dividing them. What a great sight! Even little Ezra couldn't keep his eyes off the Rhinos grazing in the grass. It would be a fun place to visit again. To top off the wonderful day, we were surprised to see my cousin, Ross, who lives 800 + miles from here! What a great treat! (sorry no pics).
Also, during this busy couple of weeks, we were able to enjoy the baptism of our daughter. We had family who drove a long way to celebrate this special day with Emily. Many family and friends came to show their support. Emily was so happy to see everyone, and to get the cards & phone messages from others who could not be there. Thank you to everyone for all your generosity!
We are now back into our regular "routine" (whatever that is, right?). We hope you all had a great Holiday break to celebrate Christmas and the start of this new year!!!
you guys always have so much fun with whatever you are doing. What a busy end of the year you had and a busy beginning. 8 is great!!
Congratulations on your baptism Emily! Kelly I can't believe you have an eight year old.
i cannot believe emily is eight and baptized. that is so exciting. wish we were closer to hang out and play games....hmmm maybe someday soon we will be. what a sweet picture of her and ryan.
I don't know if you remember, but eight years ago I came with Wynnter to the hospital to see you and your sweet new baby. I remember thinking, "gosh, I hope I look that good after having a baby."
I didn't, but that's besides the fact.
Congrats on 8 years of Mommyhood!
Some 6 1/2 years ago you and your little family were visiting Loomis and your mom brought baby Emily into nursery. I was there with my little one, Natalie (who is 8 1/2!)
Your mom told us this cute story about Emily:
"Kelly gave Emily a Tic-Tac and after a few seconds of sucking on it, she (Baby Emily) took it out of her mouth and said...'Look! An OVAL!'"
I remember thinking... WOW! What a smart little girl to know her shapes at such a young age! :)
And now that little babe is baptized! My, how they grow!
She's gorgeous, Kelly! Congrats on having such an exceptional daughter.
Happy Birthday, Emily!
And, congratulations on your baptism!
Wow! I can't believe you guys have an 8 year old. I remember you and Emily swimming at my mom's house when she was like 8 months old! How time flies. What a beautiful and smart, young lady she has grown up to be.
You guys are always so busy and always having so much fun!! If only we lived closer!!
When I first met Emily she was 3!! I can't believe she's such a big girl now!!
I'm so glad that you guys had a good time at the Wild Animal Park!
I'm sorry I didn't make it to Emily's baptism.
You guys are so cute...I miss you. We all need to get together for a playdate or a breakfast date or something!
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