Friday, January 25, 2008

Tribute to the BIRTHDAY GIRL

My favorite Sheenanagins is celebrating today! I wish I was there to share in the fun! Here's to a woman who pretty much does it all...and has it all! Artistic ability, creativity, cute hair, great work-out physique, a fabulous husband, adorable kids, a business of her, the list goes on! Thanks for keeping us entertained on a daily basis with your hilarious stories, blogging contests and bits of every-day-life tales. You brighten our days!
You deserve the best celebration ever!!!!


sheena said...

Oh my! Ryan, that's so nice!!

Only kidding, I'm assuming a big thankyou goes out to my Kelly. That's really the sweetest thing anyones ever sorry you had to make half of it up... Thank you a million for being my sister!! You are the best!

Please tell me that cake is in the mail...

Olive-us said...

Kelly, that is so nice.
Ditto to everything you said!
Sheena is a wonderful mother, wife, sister-in-law, photographer, story teller, Target shopper, etc.

Anonymous said...

I hope Sheena shares this cake. I'll take a piece for NOW and a box to go. It looks delicious. Love to you all and Happy B'day Sheena again. Love Mom "J"