Tonight I was curious as to what would happen when I "Googled" some of my friends' names, including myself. It was weird to see different things come up. Most of which was completely irrelevant to the person I was actually thinking of.
Then I typed in "Ryan Southwell". I was expecting to see different "Ryan Southwells" from all over the map, like I did for myself and other names I typed in. However, I was in for a pleasant surprise! How did I not know I was married to a virtual Media Celebrity?! He took up the entire first page of Google, and then more! Just him and his amazing video work! Then I continued to sit here for another hour and weep, giggle and stare in awe as I watched his productions!
He didn't pay me to write this. I sincerely had no idea how many people admire his work and visit his sites. I'm just blown away by the results I found and I have to plug for my incredible husband and say how proud I am of him!
being famous is super, but google my name and what do you get? Sex pills! hooray! being married to me must be pretty awesome too.
Cool. I know someone so famous! At least Sheena is known for something even if it is sex pills. I got nadda! I'm boring!
I have tried it...a long time ago and I knew your husband was super famous. His work is truly amazing, I have to agree. I'll spend hours watching his productions ... especially when William is out of town.
I have also googled my own name and the funny thing is there is a site called ilovemariebird.com and even though it is not about me, I still like to read the nice things the guy has to say about his awesome girlfriend. Isn't that funny? Hmmm, I though it was.
I guess I'm not the only Marie Bird in this world. :)
Something scary? I google your name comma California and it gave me your phone number with address and even a map to your front door. I'm pretty sure you can have that removed if you want. I think I removed mine a long time ago.
I'm not surprised, Kelly. Your husband is pretty talented, I would imagine it wouldn't take long for word to spread about his amazing work. So, did you find yourself? (I've never found myself, my name appears to belong to some very minor celebrity.) If you did, was it some link to your awesomeness? ;) Like your amazing talent to mother and care for your children AND stay so organized and on top of things? Or how you just seem to have quite the talent for getting your body to do difficult things with great success? Or how cute your curly hair is? :)
I thought so, because those are some of the things I would write if I had some internet article or website that featured you.
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