Thursday, October 28, 2010

running for my life!

I wish I had words (and photos for that matter) to tell you about the incredible RACE I did last weekend.
However, I did not document one bit of it, I was just worried about running, and decorating vans (and making it to the bathroom on time). However, a few other people did get some great footage. And they did such a fabulous job of documenting it, I'll just link you to their site. HERE.

It's insane, it's amazing, it's fun, it's hard, it's exciting and frustrating all wrapped up into one. Did I mention Addicting? We are all looking for the next one to run

And, my talented husband put this hopes of winning a free team entry for next time. I say he has a good chance.
watch and enjoy:

Ragnar Relay : Las Vegas from Ryan Southwell on Vimeo.


cara lou said...

I LOOOVE that video. And it will make no sense if he doesn't win. That can not be beat.

Marie said...

Oh, you are SO going to win the free team entry! I love your video!!! Great job on the race. You guys are all awesome! Love you much.