Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just what I needed

I don't listen to the news very often. But tonight, as I was in my quiet house, with all the kiddos down for bed, I turned on the news while I cleaned up the kitchen.

(a roller coaster accident at Knott's)

All these terrible things kept coming up and were briefly talked about and then the newscasters moved right along to the next horrible headline. It was so discouraging and reminded me of why I don't listen to the news very often.
Just as I was feeling down and discouraged about raising 5 little blessings in this crazy world, I remembered a small portion of President Monson's talk from General Conference on Sunday afternoon:

"We live in a troubled world, a world of many challenges.
We are here on this earth to deal with our individual challenges to the best of our ability, to learn from them, and to overcome them. Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants nothing more than for us to succeed in this goal. He will help us and bless us as we call upon Him in our prayers, as we study His words, and as we obey His commandments. Therein is found safety; therein is found peace".

1 comment:

Marie said...

This must have been from his talk that I fell asleep during. Bummer! Walter was so grouchy, so I rocked him and myself to sleep. The Ensign will be that much more exciting when it comes out. Thanks for the quote!