Thursday, September 23, 2010

still alive!!!

I think I have forgotten how to blog...what button do I push next? ...

We are very much alive and kicking over here. It's insane how ALIVE we are...we are usually going 3 places at once at any given time of the day. I need to be cloned! PLEASE, just one more of me to go around would be nice!

I love everything we are doing, although the soccer practice schedule has taken some getting-used-to.

Soccer (x 3) Scouts, Activity Days, Marathon Training (finally I'm tapering my miles), home-school, pre-school and a new Relief Society calling are all on our calendar every week now.
William turned 1 and is crawling around getting into EVERYTHING, but it's so cute to watch. My house is a mess and my laundry piled high, but we are living life to the fullest and (mostly) having fun while doing it!

I've got a summer's worth of pictures to post up here as well! Hopefully this is the return of blogging for me...we'll see.

Also, I got released as the Young Womens' President and I feel so conflicted about it. I love and miss those girls VERY much! However, the time and energy is nice to have "back".


merideth said...

yay your back. life is so busy. and soccer is going to kill me.
the pics that sheena took are so good. you look so beautiful and your glowing.
good luck on your marathon.

Marie said...

Amen to that! I think about you all the time and wish I could drive on over to hang out after the kids are in bed....wait, then you would be in bed too. :) I love you Kelly!