Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Festivities

On Saturday, we colored 2 dozen eggs!

Sunday morning, (early) the kids awoke to a basket hunt with strings attached!
They had to follow the string with their name to find their basket. It led them on a wild hunt all over the house!
I know Willie's head is cut off...but this picture captured his latest look. Now imagine him breathing in and out of his nose quickly while he makes this face. It's so funny!
Jaydon, biting into his chocolate bunny. Who says eating chocolate at 7:00 a.m. is against the rules? (well, I do, on a typical day).
Emily, donning the fancy headband she found in her basket.
Ezra. Trying out his new Easter Basket treasure.
Even Ryan and I got a little Easter treat to hunt for...it was in the oven!
Burt's Bees almond hand cream is just what I needed.
Ryan always loves his Ovaltine!
(Thanks to little Em).
On the hunt for eggs in the backyard.

We spent the rest of the day watching LDS General Conference and being uplifted. Remembering the real reason for the Holiday.

Later that day, we felt the rolling, shaking effects of the 7.2 earthquake that hit Northern Mexico.
Don't worry Sheena, I think it's all out of it's system!


ali said...

I think our easter bunny needs to do yarn next year! What a fun idea!

Ben and Shara said...

you are such a fun momma!

Marie said...

I love the strings! So cute and creative. Where is my Easter candy?

Oler Family said...

I love that your hunt was so organized!! i think i start every day off eating chocolate!!

Jay and Gwen Sessions said...

If you hid the eggs as well as your kids hide when we drop in...they would never be found. What a crack up (as in eggs) all those Easter egg activities. Glad we could see your fam. during our last visit.

Ben and Shara said...

Kelly, what's going on over there? Where are you? Have you fallen off the face of the earth?