Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow Play in the Sun

Ha! Kelly said this footage would never be seen!
Knock yourself out.


Marie said...

I can never just watch one of your awesome videos. I go back and watch more and more until 12:30 in the morning! I'm addicted. Kelly you look so cute in pigtails. Ryan...yes you are sterile. HA! It that all it takes...the bum luge? That was so funny! You guys are so fun. Wish we lived closer every day. Love ya Kelly Belly.

Ryan Southwell said...

Good, at least one person sees them. We've been so bad at blogging lately that I think we lost our whole readership. All 6 of them. Thanks Marie, these are all for you now. -Ryan

ali said...

make that two, ryan!

Marie said...

Yippee! Videos just for me and Ali. We LOVE them!