Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A conversation...

Son: Mom, I need some tweezers.

Mom: Mmmhmm, ok hunny. (only partially listening to the request as I was busy with 4 other things at the time).

Son: So, where are the tweezers?

Mom: What do you need them for?

Son: For my ear.

Mom: You don't put tweezers in your ear. (Still distracted).

Son: But there's string in there...

Mom: (now ALL of my attention is on him) WHY is there string in your ear? You don't put stuff in your ear!

Son: Well I was trying to do a magic trick and pull string out of my ear, but it got stuck...


heidi said...

oh boy...good luck with that one!

shawna said...

I can just picture the gears turning and the Light bulb!

Marie said...


the 2nd tallest tree said...

Ohhh, uh-oh!

sheena said...

kelly. don't lie. you know you've had your moments with tweezers in your ear and loved it.

Kaylynn said...

I can't believe I'm asking this question in a blog comment box - Did everything come out OK?

Lauren said...

hahahahah that's SOOO FUNNY! haha! Nathalie's laughing in the background. haha. cute.