Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Leo Carillo State Beach

Yes, it's 1:00 a.m.
Yes, I am just now getting to my computer to blog.
Yes, we've been playing hard and loving our summer.
Yes, this post will be mostly photos (since I can barely keep my eyes open).

The nice part about camping and being at the beach,
is that everyone gets to find their own favorite way to spend their day:

Emily LOVED boogie boarding

Of coarse, these two ran, swam, dug holes,
buried each other...and MUCH more!

Pure Heaven for this little guy.
Sand and a tractor, what more could he want?

How fun to bury a big brother!

Joel loved it!

The infamous Leo Carillo Cave:
We cannot go to this beach without visiting the cave!

How can you beat campfire s'mores?

Emily's lovin' 'em too

And...how can you go camping without
having a little "nature" time?
(I couldn't resist).
No, not the trash can.


Sarah Hull said...

I laughed so hard at that last picture. I totally just saw the trash can at first and then read your comment and cracked up!
What a fun trip! Loved all the pics. you guys are such a darling family!

sheena said...

that is the look of death if I've ever seen it!! I guess that's what he gets for announcing when your aunt flow came to town.

sheena said...

that is the look of death if I've ever seen it!! I guess that's what he gets for announcing when your aunt flow came to town.

sheena said...

two comments=I'm awesome.


Ryan Southwell said...

For the record, I never announced when the "moment" was. It was a discussion how a husband can be considerate by being prepared. Go Boy Scouts! Anyway, that calendar item has been removed do to the moon not being as reliable as it used to.

Ben and Shara said...

Hey kelly, this is the very same beach that I spent my childhood summers at. We would go for a week at a time, stay across the road at a camp ground and just hang out on the beach all day with our cousins from bakersfield. or sometimes hike up the little river canyon for a change of pace. I do remember getting burned every summer and trying to sleep in hot tents with sun burns is so hard. Wow,, what great memories. I love that place!

ali said...

it took me like five minutes to find ryan in the bushes. Nothing beats a pee shot, but next time try to get a little butt cheek in with it. That is always appropriate for the blog!

Marie said...

I want to go camping! Here, I go outside to check the goings on in the back yard and I get hit in the head with HUGE flying green iridescent beetles. You would LOVE Missouri summers!