Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dear Tooth Fairy,

The tooth is under my Mom's pillow.

I don't want you to
come in my room.

Thank you
for leaving my money
for my Mom.



ali said...

is he afraid he won't get as much money if the tooth fairy sees the condition of his room?

smart thinking!

Oler Family said...

SOOOOO FUNNY! I love that he doesn't want to tooth fairy to come in his room! That is too cute!

Anonymous said...

hi kelly it's shawna g. from church. when the tooth fairy came to our house, the money left behind was always sparkley (courtesy of glitter nail polish, it works well on coins or dollars!) How excited is Joel to have lost his tooth...

kelly said...

I am LOVING the sparkley money idea!!
the tooth fairy will have to pick up on that one around here!

sheena said...

mom should get a cut of the profits.