Our Sweet Joel. He loves to help in the kitchen, and count Hummers on the road. He can barely handle surprises, and he loves to snuggle. He's a good friend and a sweet big brother. He loves his gymnastics class...flipping on the trampoline is his favorite part. He's very excited to start Kindergarten! Give him some markers and paper and he's busy for a long time, creating with his active imagination! Thank you for adding fun and happiness to our home.
We LOVE YOU JOEL!!! Happy 6th Birthday!!!
Our Lovable Jaydon is such a
happy 6th Birthday!!!
Hi Jaydon and Joel--HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you both. You two are handsome Grandsons and we love you so much. Have a VERY FUN DAY!!!!
Love and Hugs, G'ma & G'pa "J"
I can't believe that the twins are 6! That just blows my mind! It sounds like they are just so sweet and fun! Happy Birthday Jaydon and Joel!
Happy Birthday to your boys. They are so cute and fun--we're glad to know them!!
Happy birtdhay boys!!! I wish Lucy was there to celebrate with you and have you bounce her around pump it up!!
(just picture that:)
i spelt birthday rong.
JAYDON and JOEL - HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your cousins KALE, KRIS and KARA!!!! And from your UNCLE KYLE (ELMO) and AUNT KAYLYNN!!!!! We love you boys. Have a Great Birthday!!!!!
Your boys are so sweet! I think it's so funny that Joel loves Hummer's! I love that both of your boys are so friendly to Sebastian whenever we're around you guys. Thanks for raising such sweet kids!
Aunt Ali says quit growing so fast! I mean it! I just want to bottle you up as little boys and save you forever!
Thanks for sharing your day with us.
Happy Birthdy Jaydon and Joel! Last I saw you two was 5 years ago when you were almost 1!!!! Crazy. Hope the party was fun :)
Whoops! I spelet birthday rong two:)
I know it's really too. Goodnight now.
Happy day boys! Hope you got our crazy message!!
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