Sure, I'll admit it. I've been a Mitt Romney fanatic ever since I heard him speak at some conference last year on TV. I thought to myself, how could we not want this guy for our president? On a last minute decision, Mr. Romney made a quick appearance Monday night in Long Beach. I had to go... and I had to bring my camera.
I got there early and got my camera set up on the media stand in the back, high and center. Huge American flag, big room/airplane hanger, and thousand(s?) of people. By the time the show started I was camped next to ABC News and NBC to name a few. I wondered if I should even be where I was, but I had the best shot and was treated equal. This is a shortbehind the scenes clip. Highlight clips from the speech are at the bottom below.
Hugh Hewitt and a few Congressmen gave the intro and fired up the crowd and when Mitt came out everyone went wild. It was so fun to be in the mix of this all, especially after I've been watching him closely on TV for over a year. Now, he's right there LIVE! Posters flying, foam mit gloves.. it was cool. He gave a great speech, and it was fun to see all the in-between stuff that they dont show on TV. Like starting the speech holding his 2 month old grandson, or looking a humbled by how loud and long people cheered. I think you can tell a lot about a person by their mannerisms. At one point the crowd kept cheering "Mitt, Mitt, Mitt..." and it got louder and louder. And I saw him turn around at his son Tag and give him the look of "I can't believe this is happening, can you?". There's something golden in a person when they can be a strong leader and humble about it at the same time. Can't say that for any other candidate.
When it was over, I hung out on the stage to soak it in a little, and Mitt's press guy came up and instructed me where the post-press conference was. I said, " Oh, thanks" all the while holding in the biggest "ARE YOU SERIOUS!! YEAHH!!!"
So I went out and through the fans to the door where Mitt and a few news channels were and the guard at the door smiled as I walked right on in. It was quiet and surreal. I was afraid to set up by the big dogs so I stood to the side and then Mitt came out the side curtain RIGHT next to me. I could have given him a hug with my HD camera in one hand pointing back at us like the ones you take of you and a friend with your own hand, but being in the press room, I felt it was unprofessional. But to see him that close and the kind of person he is gives me the most respect ever and I hope he does well today. SO GO VOTE... and choose wisely.
Below is a condensed 4 min clip of my footage from his speech. Good stuff.
I'm off to vote...let's hope everything goes our way!!
That's awesome where you can wind up when you are confident and act like you know where you're going.
That is so good!! Who can you send that to??? I felt the energy and excitement just watching it. Ryan- you did a GREAT job of filming and editing. Seriously, it needs to be sent for someone to see it, so it can be put on CNN or the evening news.
Although not voting the way many people might want, how exciting for you. Even if I am not voting for Mitt, I would have been stoked to be in your shoes! Congrats on getting into the press room!
I'm glad you are politically charged, other wise I'd say you were stocking him. . . hee hee.
He is handsome isn't he.
Too bad "Super Monday Night" was followed up by "Lackluster Tuesday."
Sorry to hear that Romney just dropped out of the presidential race. What a bummer...
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