Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hearts all a-flutter

On Valentine's Morning my kids wake up to fluttering hearts in their door-ways. It's fun for them to look at each heart and see what silly, sweet thing has been written about them on this LOVE-ly day.

Do you have a Valentine's Day tradition?


merideth said...

kelly you are so awesome!!

rockkinrobbins said...

Great idea...You are so creative!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making the rest of us look like loser parents

ali said...

i think i'll let jack decorate some cookies today. that should be interesting.

a friend of mine always does really fun sack lunches for her kids on valentines....heart-shaped EVERYTHING.

cute doorway idea. Your kids were bragging about it today at preschoo1!

Lindi said...

Kelly, you are awesome!! Such a cute idea. I might have to steal that one from you too. Such cute kids, I love how they both have such little Kelly, and little Ryan looks to them. So cute!!!

Oler Family said...

That is such a cute idea! The only Valentines Day tradition I do (until I saw your post) is I make heart shaped banana pancakes covered with strawberries and whipped cream oh! and I actually make chocolate covered strawberries for dessert after dinner too!

heidi said...

what a cute tradition. a couple of ours is books for the kids and usually dinner or lunch out with everyone.

Sarah Hull said...

That is such a special tradition! Too cute! I love how the hearts are so personalized. You guys are darling!

Marie said...

You are such a fun mom! And did I hear you say you quit PTO? REALLY? It's so funny how the PTO moms try to act nice to me when I know they are thinking about how annoying I am. Ha, ha, ha. Valentines day kind of came and went here besides the two parties at school. I do have some ice cream in the freezer William wants me to eat. Better go.

Marie said...

Oh, I forgot....William did thank me for not repeating the tradition I had started our first year of marriage. I floated a heart-shaped pink sponge with the words I LOVE YOU on it in the toilet. He thought it was super gross, even though I assured him the potty had been sufficiently bleached.

kelly said...

wow, that's the best tradition yet! sponge in the toilet! ha ha!

Amy said...

We don't have a tradition yet, but now I think I'm stealing yours!

The Steenhoek Clan said...

Such a cute are so thoughtful.

Olive-us said...

That is the cutest tradition! I love it.
My family and I just exchanged cards...Boring.