Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sometimes I just have to vent to no one in particular when it comes to adult drama. I have dealt with so much ridiculous drama lately that right now all I can do is laugh ( to spare people from me lashing out at them). Do some women REALLY thrive on making other women's lives miserable? It's beyond me why people can't just leave bad-enough alone. When someone's down, don't keep kicking them. Really? I'll spare you the wretched details...
Ahhhhhhhh, I guess this calls for a big spoonful of peanut butter, covered in semi-sweet chocolate chips....and then an evening in front of the T.V. with my husband, watching the long-awaited LOST.
(Thanks for listening.)


Anonymous said...

good luck

Anonymous said...

you're going to need a whole vat of P.B.

heidi said...

I think adult drama is the worst. The adults that create it must want to be back in junior high. Good luck getting through it you are right on with the pb and choco chips. I haven't done that in a while--it sounds so therapeutic(sp?)and tasty right now!~

ali said...

i'm sorry kelly. have i been kicking you while you're down?

Emily P. said...

PB and chocolate chips is my favorite emotional food! Sorry people are such stinkers...I know the feeling!

rockkinrobbins said...

Love LOST!!

Mamasita said...


Marie said...

what? no juicy gossip? i think i'm on the outs with my pto. i don't really "fit in" :)

Amy said...

It's funny that ever since I moved here, I have been introduced to the PB and chocolate chip thing by many of my friends. I had never heard of doing that before. Is it a California thing, or just a woman thing?!