When I look at a room like this, I get so discouraged. Laundry is my greatest enemy these days! Between work-out clothes for Ryan and I, children's soiled sheets (too many of them), and muddy-back-yard-play-clothes, there is just TOO MUCH LAUNDRY! It's never ending! I thought I had it down to a science, for about 6 months. All was well; then #4 was born, we moved, big kids stopped wearing Pull-ups at night and started to have night-time accidents and it threw off the 1-load-a-day routine I had worked out.Now the ratio is all off and it piles up so quickly. It's not so much a matter of getting it clean...that part is easy! It's the sorting, folding and putting it away! Most of the clothes (not the ones on the floor) are clean. They just never get put away.
Then, there is the entirely other issue of the laundry room becoming the dressing room. We won't go there. So, I ask you, what do YOU do to keep the beast under control?!!! Please share.
I've decided that posting this issue would help me be motivated to get my laundry room back under control. So here, for your viewing, are some before and after shots. Granted, it took me 2 days to get from one to other, but it's great to have it done!
Whatever motivates one to help get a JOB done is great. Good Job at getting it done. I hope you receive some helpful comments. I love the RED in the laundry room! HAPPY B"DAY RYAN!!
Love, MOM
Happy Birthday Ryan!!
Hey Kelly--for me I have found that I have one day where I do the catch up loads and then whatever I'm doing no matter what--I stop it all and sit and fold every piece and then put away (worst part).Then everyday I do laundry and by the end of the day I make myself fold and put away.
Good luck with whatever you find works for you. We all operate differently so no one's own perfect way will work. You are such a good, fun, organized mom--you'll find a way to get it all done!!
here's the solution that works for me: HAVE FEWER KIDS
Talk to me in 6 years
I wish I had all the answers. My worst thing is putting laundry away...I'll switch loads and fold all day if I have to, but I hate putting it away!
Finally, an equal endeavor. Women putting the clothes away (or vacuum sometimes) is like guys taking out the trash. We know we should do it but never get around to it. Kelly still does a great job though. C'mon now, 4 kids!
To bad you are so exhausted from getting it all done to start back on that one day a load theme. Laundry is a pain in my butt!!
I'm just waiting for disposable clothes... I mean they did it with tupperware. Until then...well as long as there is one pair of clean underwear I count myself ahead of the game.
You could always spend a lot of money and buy a front loader washer. They do about twice the amount of laundry at once.
Better yet, spend a lot of money and get a maid. They would do all the laundry, sort it, put it away, clean the bathrooms, mop the floors and do the dishes.
Of course, what would life be like without all the fun obstacles we get to conquer. Maids are dumb anyway. They show our kids that they don't need to work...so good job in teaching your children the value of work.
One more idea, HIRE the kids to do their own laundry. You wash and sort...they fold and put away. Then you pay them each a shiny dime for a job well done, well at least done. You could even to have a laundry folding party where they get to fold with you and siblings while still getting paid. I love it!
Laundry room looks great!!
I do laundry every other day no matter what... I wash sheets every other Monday, no matter what... but of course, I don't have the accidents happening here like you are having (just a phase, they'll stop doing that soon, I'm sure!)
I fold all clothes on my bed, that way I HAVE to have everything put away before we get to get INTO the bed. My older girls are responsible for getting their folded clothes off my bed and putting them away, I do it for the 2 younger girls. Anyhow.... it's a stinky part of our lives and I don't enjoy it! But every other day I do laundry... sometimes even more! Fun stuff!
Good Luck!
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