This year, life is so busy and there are so many things going on, that we had to take our halloween enthusiasm down a notch. But we are still having fun with it. We went to one, of many, spooky parties and these are the costumes we came up with. There was no stopping these two little Power Rangers, once they are clad in their hats, jumpsuits, and boots! They were quite literally bouncing off the walls (and everything else). Princess Jasmine made me do a double take a few times, as I'm not accustomed to looking for a black-haired bueaty in my group. She was bejewled head to toe, as a princess should be. Our little pumpkin was just that...our little Pumpkin. He had a serious love / hate relationship with that costume. Then there's the witch and the warlock. What a majestic-looking, creepy-faced couple. This year, I guess second place at the party would have to do.
Carving pumpkins is always a fun, busy and messy event! We picked out 4 not-so-fresh pumpkins at the grocery store and we covered the floor in preparation for the carving excitement. It's always been our tradition to have a sort of creativity "contest" and see who can come up with the most unique jack-o-lantern. However, this year, the three older kids were actually big enough to design and carve their own. So, Ryan used his creativity in another way...why carve in your normal, every day state...add a wig and make it that much more exciting!
We may be busy around here, but never too busy to do away with Halloween fun COMPLETELY!
The judging was WAY off!
I think emily should go dark. She can really pull it off!
Kelly, that's definatley your shade. (how does it wash off, really...)
Ryan. Scary. and I'm talking about pic #2.
Too bad that even when you guys step it down a ending up looking 100 times better than our sorry excuses for costumes....
Good job!
you ending up. i talk good english.
I love that your whole family gets dressed up. Getting Darin to dress up is, doesn't happen too often.
you make a darling witch. i agree with sheena pic #2 of ryan is scary!
At least you tried, and agreeing with Sheena stepping down a notch is far better than my families last minute, "oh ya, Halloween tonight, hurry find something so we can get candy for mom", who of course doesn't dress up, but enjoys all the candy none the less. Looks great Southwell's. Enjoy tonight!!
Oh you guys. Robby and I have decided VERY last minute that hey, maybe we will dress up. Please do us (and yourselves a favor) and don't check our blog for a few days. I'd hate for you to see how lame we really are. You put us all to shame.
I LOVE your GREEN face! How do you get that shade? Ours is way too muted and are you wearing a wig or does your hat just have feathers on it?
I can get everyone dressed up, I just can't find batteries that are actually charged and get a photo of everyone. You are really on top of things!
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