I have seen large produce grown in many gardens, but I think THIS one takes the cake! Our zucchini plants had died and weren't producing any more (or so I thought) and so today I figured I would remove the hideous looking, brown plant from our front-yard-"garden". As I pulled the second one out by its gnarled roots, it felt oddly heavy. Sure enough, when I looked down, this beastly squash was hanging, and dragging on the ground! It's like child #5! It's hard to believe a vegetable of this proportion could "hide" under all those leaves, but it sure did! I think I'll seed it and freeze it for future use...we've now got a head start on our "year-supply".
I thought "WOW BIG" was referring to how tall Jaydon and Joel were to be standing next to their baby brother Ezra. It wasn't 'til I saw the next picture of the "GIANT ZUCCINI" that I understood what WOW BIG was about. That is some produce growing in your garden. You have lots of Zuccini for Pineapple Zuccini bread. Yum!! Love G'ma
I am glad you are getting your year's supply in check so that troy and co. can run over after our next big emergency.
cute pics of the kids. the twins are looking so much like ryan. and i loved the family pic on your last blog. such a cute family.
That one beats mine, hands down. You realize that's like 10 loves of bread!!
If you make it, we'll eat it!
Seriously, I'm down for zucchini bread! I love the pictures of the boys. I can't believe how grown up the twins are looking. I also think they look a lot like Ryan the older they get.
That one is a whole lot bigger than the one the crept into Lucy Lu's bed that one time. You take the zucchini bread (cake really!)
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