So, knowing my cool friend John (of Stars Align) I've personally associated with Joe Don Rooney of Rascal Flatts a few times and he hooked us up with some last minute tickets. Well, there are seats in the pavilion and behind those is the big ol lawn. We got lawn tickets. No complaints though, we were stoked to be there in the first place. After the opening act fortune #1 came our way. Two people mozied our way and asked us if we listened to K-FROG Country. I said "Why yes! its my #1 preset on my radio" and the (K-Frog radio) guy asked us if we wanted to enjoy the show from a closer seat. So we scored tickets to the middle of the seating area which was really cool.

It was really cool when Gary brought up a little girl on stage with him, but if you wait till the end, you will see some girl in an orange shirt rocking out on someone's shoulders... that's Kelly. Around 3:40 into it. It even ends on Kelly throwing a double-rocker into the air!! HA!! So funny. But you can see roughly where we were. So we went from the seatless lawn to the spikkity front. How much better could it get?
Fortune #4. The show ended and John grabbed us all by the hand and we cruised back stage. We hung out with the crew waiting for the Rascals to surface, and John, having magical human powers, walked us right past the guards and into the bus zone. These were no buses. These were million dollar homes on wheels. And they were next to the 12 semi trucks loading up the stage and show. We scoped around and ... oh, what's this? Oh, it's just Joe Don's private motorhome/bus that he and his lovely model wife live on while touring. So John, Kelly, and I went aboard. There was pizza there on his table so we helped ourselves. (If you're reading this Joe Don, John took the first piece then Henry gave me one so sorry, but thanks, I was starving). So we're in their tour bus eating their pizza after the show. John had music business to discuss and so Kelly and I took off for home. Fun night. Awesome. Wish I could do it again. Many thanks to Joe Don for the tickets and to John for the advancements.
Your life must be sprinkled with magic fairy dust because lucky things always seem to happen to you two.
Good thing we're neighbors...maybe some of that will brush off on us.
I am glad you guys had an awesome night...with no kids!
That is so FUN!!! I just giggled watching it and thinking what a super fun night out. What a great surprise Ryan!! Someone asked me where the name Rascal Flats came from. Do you know??
Luv, Mom "J"
That is so awesome!! Takes me back to my concert days. I can't believe you found a video of it and Kelly is in there. Sweet
I'm so glad that you guys got to go and do all of that!! I just wish I could have been there with ya'll!
Hopefully next time :)
kelly, you are now "you tube famous" what an awesome night!!
that is so crazy that she is on that video.
looks like a lot of fun.
Kelly....I LOVE the video! I was laughing so hard!
ok...I just watched the video. That is hilarious! Girls gone wild...
What a fabulously romantic husband you have Kelly! I loved the ORANGE shirt. I actually was just thinking about that the other day when I filled out a personality test and for orange I put you. I said it meant you were a true friend. LOVE YOU!
Oh my golly! That is such a great story. I love Rascall Flats too. The little girl is so cute, but so is Kelly. I laughed so hard. I'm glad you guys had fun!
Holy Crap, you guys are lucky! Kelly, I was cracking up!! You are so dang cute, I can't get over it. I'm SO jealous that you guys got to go to a concert. Those were the days...
WOW! I am so JEALOUS Kelly! RF Is my ultimate favorite!! That's a pretty sweet hubby, and pretty awesome utube video. I can't wiat till there new cd comes out-- Did u get one of those for free too! ps. this is Hilary Webb (from Loomis-Rob & Sheena's friend) I love you blog!!
I am sooo jealous, I have always wanted to go to Rascal flatts.
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