As I've been preparing for this race, I have not been nervous at all, more like dreading the whole washing/packing ordeal for the 10 HOUR drive North! But today, finally, I am feeling relieved from the work, and the nerves are kicking in. WOW! There is a hill that has been appropriatly named the "Hill from (H-E-double hockey- sticks). It climbes 500+ feet in 1 1/2 miles, then slightly down, and then another 200 feet in 1/2 a mile! I get sweaty hands just thinking about it! At least, as you can see in this picture, there will be amazing surroundings and beauty to view all around me as I'm panting up the hills. And, at least it won't be 100 degrees.
I am really excited for this race. I'm so happy that Ryan is doing it with me (although I'll only see him for the first mile). It gives such a sense of accomplishment and conquering to know you've trained and completed something like this. Some day I will probably do the full 26 miles...we'll see how Sat. goes! So, we're off and we're reaedy! We'll be back Monday to let you know how it goes!
Good luck! I think you're both so awesome for going through all that hard-core training and for finally making it to race day! And I know you'll make it to a full-marathon one day.
I'm going to start re-training for a measley 5K in December -- which is daunting for me. You guys are like super-people for doing 13 miles. Wow.
Good luck and drive safely!
pass this along
although it looks like it could be named after you!
good luck!!!
Your going to do great!! I am so excited for you guys!
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