I have to plug one of my favorite things! How many frustrating days have I spent in my married life paying the bills? Too many! Tear off the statement, write the check, put it in the envelope, seal it up, (wait did the check get put it?) put the stamp and return address on the outside...meawhile, getting snacks in between, and stopping arguments, "no, you can't decorate the table with stamps"...Finally, an HOUR later I stack up the paid bills and set them on the entry-way table, to take out next time I go out. Before I know it, they are overdo because I never put them in the mailbox! AAAGGGHHHH! Who needs this aggrivation? So, when we finally got hooked up to Bill Pay at WAMU about a year ago, it SAVED me!!! I can pay bills and continue to be sane! I LOVE to sit down, click a few buttons, click a couple of more, then be DONE! YEA! It's the simplest, most efficient and convienent way to get something this important done! ahh...it kind of does make me feel like money grows on trees...it's almost too easy.
It has changed from a few years ago huh! I couldn't do it without auto pay, it has saved me time and time again. Maybe by the time our kids have bills, money will grow on trees? Huh yeah right!
I can hardly remember the last time I wrote a check. online all the way baby! what are you talking about, money does grow on trees. I go out every morning and pluck a good $300 and start my day. Always the same: Target, Ralphs, Costco.
How funny. I was just paying bills today too. And online IS best--unless you put it off and put it off, because you know how easy it is, and it still ends up being late.
Oh--and maybe when you put your yard in you can ask about those money trees, no one will think you're nuts.
I wish money grew on trees. It would solve a lot of problems. However I think it would create a few more too. Could you imagine.
what? money doesn't grow on trees? Thanks for ruining it for me. :)
Love the bill pay too!
Paying bills...what's that like? I have such a great husband when it comes to that. He just takes over. Fine by me!
Ryan used to , then I decided I should so I would know better about what's going in and what's going out
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