Yep, I did it. Halloween season is here. I may not have time later on to enjoy my favorite holiday, so I will now. As history (recent) would have it, I've gone a little far in costume preparation from custom face molds to make a fitted latex mask, building a pirate ship in the front yard, or shaving the head for an untimate Darth Maul. As a kid I would even dig a hole in my parents' front yard and bury myself, breathing through a vacuum tube, and jumping out at the trick-or-treaters. Good times. But I have to watch myself sometimes. I've already had to change the banner on our blog cause Emily's face that I had was something from the Grudge/Ring. A little too evil for sweet Emily, so if you missed it, shucks.
Someday, one fantasy I have is to find enough people to perform Thriller on our street with a loud sound system and lighting, fog, and the dance of course. How sweet would that be? I think the people around here could use a little exposure to the arts.
So bring it on, any ideas for this year will be considered.
Trick or treat. - Ryan
I am dying right now at your twisted kids' faces! That is hilarious.
I love that you get into Halloween so much. It was almost as if a piece of you had been taken away last year when you were moving on Halloween day instead of popping out of coffins.
I did see a Halloween superstore off the freeway in Temecula. I am sure that's childs play for you. You probably drive up to Hollywood to gather your halloween supplies.
Oh my goodness - I need to buy my plane ticket RIGHT NOW to be there to watch this production on your street. I KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN!!! Ry, I love your energy and imagination for bringing things to pass. I'm not kidding - I want a front row seat. See yo all soon! Love Mom "J"
Your kids are freaking me out. Poor little Ezra has know idea!
I love the idea to do Thriller on the street. Sign me up. As for ideas for this years costumes....I say go celebrity. You guys could be KFED and Britney.
I love your Halloween-y blog! So cool! I'm totally down for auditioning for your Thriller production. Truth be told that I had a dance teacher when I was about 14 who had a dance teacher who was actually in the Thriller video. She totally showed us the 'real' moves and we would do them all the time. I love how into Halloween you are...can't wait to see what you guys dress like!
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