Being Harry Potter fans and all, Ryan and I went to see "The Order of the Pheonix" last night at an awesome theater in L.A. This is by far the best of the Harry Potter movies, in my opinion, and I thought it was very well done. The PG-13 rating was appropriate...there were definitely some scary parts! I do reccomend reading the book before seeing the movie though, you'll understand certain parts a little better.
i also enjoyed this movie...i think it is my favorite so far. and i also agree with you that you must read the books before watching the movies....i don't understand those who don't read harry potter.
We are going to see the movie this week. I spent a couple summers ago reading all the books, loved them. Hunter has also read them, a few times over.
I am so jealous! I want to go so bad but Robby is taking FOREVER to finish the book.....maybe we'll catch it in the dollar theater....
We'll have to see the other ones first! I think we've seen 2 or 3 of them? I'd love to see the new one. Thanks for the recommendation!
I have a lot of catching up to do if I plan on seeing this movie!
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