First day back to school. Two first - graders and a fourth-grader!! They've grown up way too fast. I told Emily she's not allowed to grow up any more after 4th grade!
28 papers to be filled out & signed
They are not the ones with homework on the first day... I am! (and of coarse the KIDS get a prize if they turn in all their signed paperwork the next day)
Multiply those 28 papers times 3 students... I know what I'll be dong all evening.
He just didn't want to stick his bum up in the air like other cute babies. He would rather pee over everything. (you can click on a pic for a slightly better image)
It's been a long long time. As many of you know, we had our 5th child on Aug 4, 2009. His name is William Jibson Southwell. 8lbs. 6oz, and 20" long. There's a full long story to this pregnancy that Kelly can explain later, but long story short... My beautiful wife, after all her months of hard work, was told she had to have a c-section. After surgery, all she wanted was to hold her baby. This background may help explain the story here... Photos and details are coming but I have to skip town tomorrow so this video will do for now.