Sunday, March 29, 2009

Business or Pleasure?

We're back and had a blast in our adventure to Utah. We got business plans laid out, but most importantly we had time to go to fun places and shoot around so that we can all get comfortable together. First day out we went to the Salt Flats raceway where people drive rockets over 700 mph. If you look close you'll see some dude running about that fast.
On the way we stopped by a second hand store to load up on props and colorful clothes. Even though it was about 33 degrees out there, we had a lot of fun. Check out the video below.

Salt Flats, Utah from iris and light on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Drum roll please........

About two weeks ago,
a sweet friend of mine
(who performs cardio sonograms)
offered to check my baby
to find out what we're having.
The two week wait

for my Dr.'s ultra sound
just seemed unbearable!
Needless to say,
after that visit, I've been seeing
for the past couple of weeks!

Surprise!!!! Today my Dr.'s ultra sound technician confirmed we are having a


Yea for 4 boys!

Yea for 4 missionaries in training

Yea for 4 BIG appetites (make that 5...even for our daughter)

Yea for MORE tractors and Transformers!

And yea for the novelty of an only girl!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

These Two

I don't think I will ever stop being fascinated with them.
The things they do,
the things they say,
what one loves,
what one hates.
Our twins will always intrigue me.
From day ONE we have been amazed at the things we've seen.
As babies, they would roll over in their beds at the exact same time.
In their high chairs, they would cross one foot over the other, at the same time...same foot.
Now, they practically finish each others' sentences and fill in where the other leaves off.
As growing boys they are loving math and reading so much.
They both love sports, violin and gymnastics.

Yesterday, Joel lost is front tooth.
Today, Jaydon lost HIS front tooth!

Every day there's something new to see.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For fun!

Too bad you have to turn your head sideways...
(don't ask me where he got the hands on the head move)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thought I'd give it a chance...

But it just confirmed what complete trash T.V. looks like!